As it is in every business there are different ways to market your music and therefore different ways to monetize your music. It can be difficult especially for upcoming artists to earn money of their music so this is why we want to give you some practical tips. You have to be creative to monetize your music. But actually, we live in the best time to earn money for our music since we can distribute our music through social media and different platforms by ourselves.

You need no label behind you who got the distribution channels and marketing power. Well, of course, they are already established and experienced but they don’t own the monopoly of distribution anymore. Today a well known local independent artist often earns the same money as an internationally known musician who got a label. Just because the earnings of the different revenue streams land directly in the pocket of the independent artist and he doesn’t have to split and pay management, legal, merchandise, and so on fees.

Here’s how you earn money from your song:

  1. Streaming: Upload Your song to iTunes, Spotify, Apple Music, Deezer and so on
  2. Licensing: Movies, Commercials, TV Shows, Branding
  3. Other Genre: Remix the song with a DJ and market it again as electronic dance version
  4. You can offer the recorded stems to your individual track, it can be an “interactive product” where fans can create new mixes and share them with each other
  5. Merchandise the hook – use services like
  6. Produce a Video that has potential to go viral and generate advertising revenue

These are the seven tips in this article. We hope you found something which is helpful for you.

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