1. Always think how you can better yourself
Always find ways how you can be better at what you do. Think about your current ways and what could you improve? Always stay fresh, never get too comfortable and find out how you can better yourself.
2. Focus on the positive
Never pay attention to the doubters you have to overcome the hate from the beginning. Nobody can determine your future but yourself. Fight the statistics, nobody can predict where you can go, think outside the box and just do it!
3. Set high goals
You need to set yourself goals and if you do that set yourself high goals. They don’t need to be totally out of your league and not no 5 years goals but goals that are a little bit out of your comfort zone and still are reachable within a couple of months, so you can achieve them and boost your confidence.
4.Talk your destiny into existence (Words are powerful)
Watch how you talk to others but also how you talk to yourself. He believes that your words and thoughts become reality, words are powerful! So make sure to talk about the good things in life and talk a bright destiny into your existence.
5. Be You
Everybody got genius in them you just have to find out what is your genius? What makes you, who you are. You can only be you, you’ll never be anybody else, so figure out who you are and what you’re good at and just be yourself.
6. Save your money
Future saves two-thirds of his money. He said at one time in his life he had a lot of money but messed it up and went back broke. This was a lesson for life, so know he make sure to save his money, it’s not about who spent the most, it’s about who stacks the most.
7. Stay grinding never slow down
Always Stay grinding don’t let circumstances shake you down. Do shows, stay consistent and stay productive always find time to work on your dream. Future worked for about 7 to 8 years before his music started picking up.