1. Outdo Yourself (Work hard)
Drake is a very competitive person and wants to outdo his competition. He said that he pushes himself very hard to always work hard. He said he’s trying not to sacrifice any bars. He mentioned that he sit’s there and thinks about the last to lines of a verse for three or four days if he needs to, just to make sure he releases the best projects possible.
2. Use Inspiration
He thinks about influential people in the game, the ones who currently dominate the music scene. So always he doesn’t feel like writing a new song or recording a record, he thinks how they probably right in this moment are in the studio, producing new hit records and that’s a very strong motivation to stay ahead of his game.
3. Don’t let haters disturb your grind
Some people will always hate on you. Drake said the higher you get on your career level the more people you have that want to pull you down. Never let haters pull you down, use them as motivation to achieve your goals!
4. Live right now
Live at this moment not to much in the future. While you are on the journey, you have to disconnect from the end goal. Because if you just focus on some end goal you might forget all what’s in between from where you at right now to reaching that end goal. And maybe you could have done much more in between than you do, because you get frustrated that you’re not already living that life you imagine! So live right now and give your all in that moment and this will take you to your goal eventually.
5. Write down your ideas
Soon as he hears something he write it down. It doesn’t have to be a rhyme but everything that catches his attention. So he keeps a constant notepad and write down thoughts and things he hears around the way. This later give’s him inspiration and content for creating his new music.
6. Learn from mistakes
Always learn from your mistakes. Don’t try to be always right, if you made a mistake, accept it and even more important learn from it. There are hidden truths in mistakes and once you start looking at yourself and only think about what you could have done to avoid that mistake, you’ll learn a lot for yourself. So stay sharp and learn from your mistakes.
7. Market Yourself
A lot of artists only have Instagram or the current hot social media platform. And also they only put out a few songs and don’t have their own marketing and then get disappointed when they don’t sell no records. It needs a lot of marketing to get your name out, so you need to figure it out.
8. Stay true to yourself
A lot of people are trying to ride on a new wave. Meaning they start making music which sounds like the music of the current hot artists. This is exactly what you shouldn’t to stay true to yourself and make authentic music, you’ll gain real fans this way and not just be another one-hit wonder.
9. Create quality music
What you have to understand is there is a way to exist in this world that we never had before. This means we life in a time, for the first time ever that if you have a product for example quality music you can actually put it out there for the world to listen to. But the product must be A1 and if it’s good enough you’ll see the results. There is not a lot of great music out there, so what you’ll need to do is finding your moment making quality music and make it available for everybody. There are scouts and people every day looking through the internet looking for great music. And if your music is great and you do what is necessary in marketing your music, you will be heard and become the next big thing.
10. Don’t be too serious
Don’t take yourself to serious make your work fun. Interact with your fans don’t act like this big shot who is to busy and therefore can’t talk to people. Make your performance fun and don’t masquerade this hardcore gangsta image.
Got it ?
Thanks for these tips. They were very helpful. I needed to c this. Thankyou. #G2BD #Giftd2BDifferent
You welcome J