The biggest mistakes people make in life is not setting high enough goals. Every goal you set should have targets that are 10 times larger than what you think you can achieve. Meaning if you want to earn $100,000 then you better off by planning on getting a million. If you want to reach a goal in 5 years make it 6 months. If you want to get 100 new real fans make it 1,000.

The system did us wrong

You’ve been told throughout your life to set reasonable goals if any. You’ve been told to be satisfied with what you have(I didn’t say be grateful for what you have- there is a huge difference). So I explain you the problem with that:

Setting massive goals is necessary in order to progress to the next level. Did you ever set an ambitious goal and then let you get talked out of it or to erase it and exchange it for a smaller more reasonable one? …This act is a violation of the 10 X Formula in its entirety. A reasonable goal is less powerful, evokes fewer emotions and ultimately doesn’t ignite any action of you to go after it.

By massive goals, on the other hand, you’re going to be compelled to take action, enforce yourself to come up with creative ways to achieve them.

The problem is that we always underestimate the time, resources and efforts it takes to reach a goal. So by setting 10X goals, you make sure to reach your actual goal. And that’s one of the reason a lot of people quit on their goal because we think that we spend x time to accomplish that goal but in reality, we fall short because we just didn’t plan the right way. If you think you need x amount of time to reach your goal of 10,000 Followers than you have to apply 10x. New Formula: You need 10x amount of time to get 100,00(10x 10,000) Followers. So from now on think that your goals will take 10 Times more Effort than you originally thought.


Parkinsons law states:

Imagine sitting in class and your teacher tells you that you have to write a 10-page essay by the end of the week. You probably wouldn’t start writing at the beginning of the week you would only start if you absolutely have to, meaning the last day or probably evening before you have to be done. Now imagine being told that that essay has to be completed by midnight. After the initial stress and anxiety asides, I be willing to bet that you could sit down and do whatever it took to get your essay completed in time. You might not even understand how you were able to finish it or were the sudden burst of energy came from. Once you start to achieve things that you otherwise thought to be impossible. Things start to get interesting and you start wondering what else you are capable of.

This concept applies directly to the 10 X Formula. These goals command us to go after what we truly want and they don’t allow us to settle for mediocrity. It should be considered unethical to limit the amount of success that you desire. But in order to achieve your goals you have to take action.

4 Ways of Taking Action

However, it’s important to understand that there are 4 levels of action in this world.

  1. No Action (Boredom, Complacency, No Purpose, Lethargic) – The funny thing about no action is that it still requires work and effort not to do anything. It takes mental energy to not get up when your alarm is getting off. It takes work to be an underachiever. And it takes creativity for making excuses for why you’re not able to take action.
  1. Retreat (Fear, Excuses) – They make statements like “Most marriages fail so I’m staying single” or “I can’t control the election so I’m not even voting” but just as the no action takers it requires work to have that belief system.
  2. Normal Action (Middle Class) – This is the most dangerous group to be in because it’s considered the most acceptable by society. The problem with normal levels of action is that you’ll receive nothing but average. Average wealth, average car, average health, average relationships, average check. And if you are on this site this is definitely not what you’re looking for.
  3. Massive Action (Successful individuals) – Although it sounds unreasonable this is the most natural level of action to take. Think about it when you were a kid or just observe the kids around you. All kids do is taking massive action. You run around, say whatever you want, do whatever you want and don’t care what anyone thinks about you. You focused all your energy on whatever it was that caught your attention and you completed any activity with intense energy and interest. It was taught to us by society to act more reasonable and to stop operating at this level of energy.

Now keep in mind that taking massive action can also be devoted to the wrong areas of your life. For example loose relationships, gambling, playing video games and even social media. The main goal is to shift your focus and action to your music career.

So what’s the reason most of us don’t operate on the level of massive action and setting the right goals in the first place?

The answer: Fear

If there is anything you should ever know about fear is this: It only exists during situations that matter! 

In your case, it’s making it in the music business. This is a real dream and it matters to you, but it is masked by fear. Fear generates thoughts such as: “What if I don’t make it”. The reality is that the worst case scenario that we make up in our mind almost never happens. But whats critical is that fear can make us numb so at the end we never give 100% so we never need to say that we’ve failed…

The best acronym for fear is:





Fear is always created by the mind and only the mind itself can determine the magnitude of it. Fears favorite fuel is time, think about the last time you were scared to do something. The longer you sat there and procrastinated the more your fears and doubts took over. The best way to overcome fear is by not letting time to magnify them. This is why the first step is always the hardest. And not only in reaching your goal as a musician but general in life if you want to change your diet or get married to your girl…

Understand that action leads to motivation and this creates even more action

Another Reason for Big Goals

Another theory why we should set big goals it keeps us going. First of all as mentioned above we plan correctly to achieve our actual goal and soon as we start taking that massive action which is required if we 10x our goal we automatically get in the zone. Also if you think about what you’re going to get accomplished I will give you chills. Like it really means something to you, it will change your life, right? On the other hand, if you set small goals and you face resistance you get pressured and since the goal doesn’t excite you as much you might quit sooner or later.

So ask yourself: Do you have goals that match your potential or are they just safe? They must be a little beyond of what you think you can accomplish.