YFN Lucci and what upcoming rappers can learn from him

So I just recently had the opportunity to meet YFN Lucci and i was astonished how humble he is. There  is a guy that has one success after the other. He got great collabs with the Migos, Meek Mill and much more well established artists. This guy has several millions followers on social media but he didn’t felt to important to introduce himself!

I don’t know if you guys get it already, because this really is the highest form of carrying yourself. Stay humble, appreciate your fans an be grateful. And the effect of this behavior that everybody who get’s in touch with YFN Lucci will support him and his movement even more! This is how you turn fans into superfans and might even change some hater opinions. But the most important thing is about yourself. It feels good to be grateful, it feels good to threat people the right way.

So but why else did I decide to make an video about that. YFN Lucci and what upcoming rappers can learn from him is this. A lot of times upcoming rappers have some real bad behavior as far as taking themselves to important and always trying to look cool and so on. Upcoming rappers often trying so hard to appear superior that they disconnect with potential fans. And it’s not only the disconnection to potential fans but also to potential producers, collabs, labels and so on who might not want to deal with you anymore.

But again the most important person you play if you try to appear as the big superstar that you are obviously  not yet is yourself. And actually i only seen this phenomenon with less successful artists. All the super successful artists try to stay as humble as possible. And think about it. If we really become fans we become fans of the person. Because we can relate to the stories and also their flaws. We are attracted by authenticity